Daniel DiNicola

Washington DC · (203) 598-2289 · Email Me · See My Resume

I am a data scientist who is commited to using the ever expanding sets of data the world is creating to unlock insights and aid decision makers. I use my background in programming in Python, SQL and R combined with writing skills to parlay critical information to those who must act on it.



Source Media
See My Work Here

Reported on the New York City real estate securitzation market. Organized, and collected data on de-novo banks culminating in the publishing of a piece which gained high scores of internet traction. Investigated new recruting tactits at Atlantic Capital Bank, and published a long form article in the October edition of American Banker.

June 2019 - September 2019

Licensed Banker

Citizens Bank

Held client meetings and discussed investment oppurtunities through vehicles such as annuities, retirement accounts, and life insurance. Led morning meetings, and organized with colleagues making sure they set out the day's agenda and objectives.

October 2017 - June 2019

Portfolio Analyst

BNY Mellon

Assisted colleagues in idetifying email cyber threats designed to pose a potential security risk. Actes as the lead point of contact in our office regarding compliance with Regulation E. Organized recurring wire payments on behalf of customers.

February 2016 - September 2017

Client Service Associate

Morgan Stanley

Compiled quarterly reports attaining research and data from Bloomberg terminals. Acted as a primary point of contact for all client service related inquires with a top Baron's 1000 financial advisor practice.

July 2014 - January 2016


University of Quinnipiac

Master of Arts

GPA: 3.56

September 2018 - August 2019

University of Connecticut

Bachelor of Arts

GPA: 3.47

September 2010 - May 2014


Since picking up coding in late 2018 I have learned a lot. Below you will see just a summary of the skills attained, but I wanted to break out from that list and note that my programming skills go beyond a catalog of languages. I have learned iteration, recursion, neural networks, gridsearching, pipelines, machine learning, multiple statistical inference methods, how to build out functions and classes. Note that the list below will continue to grow, and I will continue to learn new skills. I believe in the 21st cenutry the most valued skill is to learn new skills

Programming Languages | Packages | Visualizations




Scikit Learn

Neural Networks

Deep Learning




Machine Learning

Language Processing


Scala Or Spark


Data Mining


Click the name of each project to be taken to the GitHub repository.

COVID-19 Fake News Classifer

Read My Medium Post

Fake news is a problem especially about an ongoing pandemic. I decided to take in some fake news data and real news data create multiple classifiers and use SHAP values to uncover feature importance.


Apart from being a data scientist, I enjoy reading and frequently write literary reviews on my blog. You can find me outside on hikes with friends and taking recipes from the web to the plate as best I can.

When forced indoors, I follow a number of sci-fi and fantasy genre movies and television shows, I am an aspiring chef, and I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technology advancements in the front-end web development world.

Awards & Certifications